February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
1m read
What or who do you want to become? As young people, we’re asked the question all the time and our responses are quite predictable. “I want to be a doctor.” “My parents want me to be a lawyer.” “I hope to start my own business and make tons of money.” “I want to be famous.” “I love basketball so I want to be a pro athlete.” “I don’t know…” But consider the following passage:
“Our Lord Jesus Christ came to this world as the unwearied servant of man’s necessity… It was His mission to bring to men complete restoration” (Ministry of Healing, ch. 1).
Not only are these the opening words of the classic book, Ministry of Healing summarizing the life of Jesus, but it succinctly summarizes the spirit of the true follower of Christ. The two words “servant” and “mission” powerfully represent the spirit of ECYC and thus this is why the theme for our fourth annual conference is “Make me a Servant.” We must be servants of God, working as missionaries for the cause of Adventism. -George Cho, President, ECYC
Listen to ECYC 2012 sermons now via AudioVerse.