February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Dear AudioVerse Friends and Supporters,
In the waning days of 2012, I was at GYC, finding myself running into supporters, speakers, and users of AudioVerse on all sides. As I now reflect on the past year, I am so thankful for that opportunity to meet all the wonderful people that contribute to make this ministry a reality. It puts real faces to the statistics and numbers that we observe behind-the-scenes, and most importantly it encourages us at AudioVerse that our simple efforts are truly making a difference in the lives of real people. So a big “Thank You!” to all our speakers, partner ministries, volunteers, donors, and of course, our users for making AudioVerse such a blessing!
Since its inception in 2005, AudioVerse has had constant growth in its reach around the world. 2012 saw a 24% increase in downloads from the previous year to a total of 2.9 million downloads, and we should be hitting our 10 millionth total download by the end of this month. Tyler, whom I met at GYC, helps me remember that at the receiving end of each download is a real, live, child of God. He explained that he was introduced to AudioVerse through a Bible worker who was studying the Bible with him, and that it was the supplemental knowledge he gained from AudioVerse along with his Bible studies that helped him to truly become a fully committed Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
We know that there are countless other individuals out there like Tyler, and we want to do our part to make sure that they can have ready access to the Truth. So in the desire to increase the effectiveness of AudioVerse, in 2012 our team ambitiously restructured our organization from being entirely reliant on volunteers to employing a core group of dedicated individuals to lead the ministry. This transition will not only enable AudioVerse to provide at a higher quality and consistency the same services that have been such a blessing already, but it will also open the door for new initiatives and new projects down the road. (You can meet our team here.) Many exciting ideas are already in the works, and we can’t wait to share them with you in the months ahead. (I will say that smartphone users should definitely stay tuned…)
As you can imagine, this transition requires additional financial resources. We will need around $150,000 for 2013 and we need your help. The team at AudioVerse has always been very intentional in keeping expenses low to enable this resource to be available for free. In order for us to continue providing the Truth-filled content for free and to increase the reach of the ministry around the world, we need your financial help now more than ever before. Please consider becoming a regular financial partner of AudioVerse to continue touching lives all around the world.
2012 was a tremendously exciting year for AudioVerse. However, we believe that the best is yet to come. Join us as we launch into 2013 and as we continue to proclaim the Three Angels’ Messages around the world. May we each do our part in hastening Jesus’ return!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. You can give your financial gift online through PayPal or by check at the following address:
4815 Impala Park
San Antonio, TX 78251