February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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GYC seminars are here! The links below will take you directly to the seminar that interests you:
A Revolutionary of Destiny: The Sanctuary Context – Justin Kim
Every time our Lord moves, there are repercussions that reverberate in Heaven and on Earth. This seminar will take a look at the Biblical GPS coordinates of Christ’s ministry in time and space—the heavenly Sanctuary—its personal ramifications for Biblical Christ-centered Adventists today, and its linkage to the books of Acts, Daniel, and Revelation. The role of Adventism is unique, necessary, and blossoming into a global revolutionary movement.
The Calling: Living and Knowing God’s Will for Me – Josephine Elia & Adam Ramdin
Ever felt that finding God’s will is something like playing mind-reading games? Is there a sure formula to know God’s will? Does the thought of choosing the wrong path freak you out? In this session, we’ll focus on the Christian experience in discovering God’s will, not as an intellectual exercise, but as an act of consecration. We’ll cover the prerequisite to spiritual discernment, principles and practical tips to know God’s will, and what happens after you get the answer. Come and embark on a course to know not just God’s will, but to know God Himself.
Christ: The Watchword of the Revolution – Steve Conway
One theme permeated the minds of the believers in Acts. It was this theme that gave boldness to the timid, turned cowards into martyrs, and used ordinary men to turn the world upside down. This theme was Jesus Christ. Christ read, Christ preached, Christ experienced was the catalyst for all we see in the book of Acts. We’ll discover what it was about Jesus that transformed the people who were used to transform their world.
Church Authority: Gospel Order & Redemptive Discipline – Jay Gallimore
Gospel order is essential to the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Why? Because God is a God of order. The Spirit of God has practical applications for the fulfillment of John 17. We will share the concept of gospel order in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. What it is and what it is not.
Conversion: My Own, Around Me, and On the Go – Filipe Ferriera
Some say conversion is a process, while others argue it’s immediate. What is it anyways? Is it possible to experience true conversion in this busy, fast-paced life? And how can we keep our conversion ignited and on fire? Does this experience change the way I relate to others? God has answers. Are you ready to find out?
The Holy Spirit Promise – Chris Holland
Much has been said recently about the latter rain of the Holy Spirit, but in order to understand the latter rain it is critical to understand the early rain. The Holy Spirit promise was first given to the early church. What did it mean then? What does it mean for us today? This seminar will closely examine the subject of the Holy Spirit and give each attendee hope and promise for the future.
How to Share My Testimony: Omissions, Inclusions, Purpose – Ken Micheff & Heidi Bryant
God is at work all around you. The experiences you go through and the life you’ve lived have the imprint of divine intervention. If you know Jesus you have a powerful story to tell! A picture is worth a thousand words. The same could be said of your life. What do “they” see? Will someone say to you, “Thank you for telling me... That’s why I’m in heaven.” Plan the part you take in your neighbors’ future!
Leaders on Leadership – Israel Ramos
This seminar will address leadership in a variety of contexts. It will take various approaches to discuss the topic of leadership: interviews, presentations by special guests and experts in a particular field, and more.
Mission: The Unmistakable Mandate – Marc Coleman
A seminar that emphasizes the desperate need for missionaries who will carry the Gospel to every part of the world. This study is critical, contemporary and rooted in the book of Acts. It demonstrates where and how young people can serve Christ as missionaries around the world and how they can prepare for a life of service.
Pentecost and Feasts, Tongues and Charismatic Movements – Stephen Bohr
In this seminar Pastor Bohr will be analyzing what really happened on the Day of Pentecost both on earth and in heaven. Practical applications will be made to our own daily walk with the Lord.
Power to Change the World: Jesus, Arabic, and Kale – Mindi Rahn, Paul & Petra Howe
What do Jesus, Arabic, and Kale have in common? Petra, Paul and Mindi will explore the powerful way missions, human rights issues, and the Gospel intersect.
The Reformers Speak to Today’s Church – Nick Miller
Inspired by the study conference of Acts 15, and Paul’s exhortation that we pay attention to the great cloud of witnesses of the faithful from the past, Dr. Miller uses the life and teachings of great Protestant Reformers, such as Luther, Calvin, Arminius, and Wesley, to shed light on many of the most pressing questions facing the church today. Come to a Bible study where we hear the views of some of the Christian church’s greatest minds and most faithful hearts!
Revolutionary Apologetics: The Adventist Edge – Anil Kanda
Revolutionary apologetics is a powerful and fresh seminar that will challenge your thinking, strengthen your beliefs, and help you overcome objections to the word of God. Learn what famous atheist author, Richard Dawkins and Ellen White, actually have in common. Discover deep insights about the character of God in regards to the destruction of the wicked. Examine modern day evidence on why the Canaanites and other pagan nations were destroyed in the Old Testament. Hear Anil’s personal testimony on how a Hindu/Sikh college student became an Adventist Pastor.
Stories for the End of Time: Forgotten Episodes of Adventist History – Dave Fiedler
Christ’s parables, Bible prophecy, and more all portray God’s end time battle plan and the surprising central role of medical missionary work. Better yet, it all makes sense!
Streams of Light – Literature Ministries Team
Literature has been God’s chosen method of preserving His story, from the Ten Commandments to the sacred pages of Scripture. This seminar will:
1. Give evidence for Christ and Christianity through historical, archeological evidence preserved through literature.
2. Show through the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy the importance of Literature Evangelism, especially in the end time.
3. Feature short, live testimonies from young people whose lives have been deeply affected by aggressive evangelistic outreach.
Unleashing the Power: A Practical Guide for Finishing God’s Work – John Bradshaw & Jim Howard
In “Unleashing the Power,” Pastors John Bradshaw and Jim Howard draw from the early Christian and early Adventist churches to share how you can be an integral part of Jesus’ closing work in Earth’s final days. Find out why the reformation we need may be different from the one we’ve been praying for. This seminar will inspire and equip you to stop adding souls to your church and start multiplying them!