February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Update: 6/19/2013
Because of you, our goal has been reached!
In just under a week, through your tremendous financial generosity, we have met our fundraising goal for the new AudioVerse app! Just like many of you, I can’t wait to use it! But more importantly, your support will enable AV to reach many hearts for our Lord through this exciting new app. What was impossible just one week ago, has now been made a reality—by your wonderful gifts of love. Thank you! (You can look for the app to launch in October of this year, just a few short months away.)
The following testimony is an example of the many we receive from around the world—on a regular basis:
Thanks be to God, for fulfilling His promise "Seek God and Live” (Amos 5:6), I have life now. Because God has blessed me through the sermons presented on this website. All sermons are good and they have inspired me a lot. And also they have given me hope to face the future. I live a new life now, the old has passed and I'm pressing for our prize. I have also learnt to read my Bible. – Isaac from Uganda
But there are many more Isaac’s just waiting to hear the good news. The sooner we reach them, the sooner we can go home. Even though we have reached this wonderful goal, you and I cannot afford to rest. There is coming a time when it won’t be as easy to share our distinctive truths, so there’s no time to waste! We must reach the world for Christ now, while the opportunity exists to freely and openly share the Advent message.
Thank you again for your prayers and ongoing financial partnership with AudioVerse as we seek to accomplish this goal.
Yours in Christ,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
Dear Ministry Partner,
Do you have a smartphone? You may be surprised to know that there are people living in parts of the world who have no electricity but they own and use a smartphone. That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about the AudioVerse (AV) mobile app and how you can help make it a reality― so the world can hear about Jesus!
The Details
Since AudioVerse started in 2005, technology has advanced significantly and people are interacting with the Internet in more ways than ever before. One of the most notable trends is the popularity of smartphones and tablets. AudioVerse’s mission is to spread God’s Truth as widely as possible and so we have long recognized the importance of creating apps to enable users to access AudioVerse’s massive sermon library from their mobile devices.
Right now, smartphone and tablet users cannot easily access and download messages from AudioVerse—this must change because the demand and need are huge. Users are continually asking for it!
Making it a Reality
For some time, AudioVerse has needed to develop an app but was unable to do so largely because of 2 major limitations:
Limitation #1
The underpinnings of AudioVerse’s system were not originally built with mobile apps and new technologies in mind. To reach the ever-expanding audience around the world the entire system must undergo major changes and renovations. These under-the-hood updates actually represents the vast majority of the work needed to create an AudioVerse app. But this is actually good news! WHY? AV will be much more nimble in adapting to the ever changing technology landscape in order to reach the earth’s population with the news of a soon coming Lord. Our goal is to support the iOS and Android platforms.
Limitation #2
As you can imagine, such an ambitious project requires money. The estimated cost is $24,500. It’s not a large amount except when you consider that almost all of AV’s amazing growth has occurred through the sacrifice of volunteers. This project is beyond volunteers for two reasons. One, the volunteer staff cannot supply the financial resources needed by the project. And two, it would simply take too long for volunteers to finish the project. The longer we wait, the more people there will be who never hear the Advent Gospel Message!
Now is the time to become a part of this exciting outreach! The goal is for the app to be launched in October of this year…yes, only 5 short months from now. That’s why we need your help today. In the past AV has been fairly low-key about asking for financial gifts, but because we must do all we can to finish the work and developing this exciting tool will reach many more people everywhere, that is why I am not hesitating in asking for your help today.
$3000 has already been provided by various individuals who heard about the app in its early planning stages. Additionally, a generous donor has pledged to match any gift dollar-for-dollar up to $10,000! That means your gift of $10 becomes $20, and $50 becomes $100, and your $500 gift will become $1,000. Just think, your gift will instantly be doubled, thereby making it possible for countless people to access abundant Bible content on AudioVerse—right in the palm of their hands wherever they are.
And there is an additional benefit: Not only will this app introduce people to Christ, it will help untold numbers stay connected to Jesus wherever they are—even if living in a mud hut in the middle of Africa or in an igloo in Greenland. I can’t wait to get to heaven and see how the Holy Spirit and your financial partnership changed the lives of countless people!
You can give your gift of love online by visiting our donate page, or you can send your check to the address below. Be sure to mark your gift for “App Project” so your funds will be doubled by the matching gift.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Your fellow worker (and smartphone user),
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
4815 Impala Park
San Antonio, TX 78251