February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Dear Friend,
GYC is just around the corner and if you’re going to be there, we would LOVE to see you! It will be held this year in Orlando, Florida from January 1-5, 2014 at the Orange County Convention Center. Come by our booth to meet our team and to pick up some free supplies to spread the word about AudioVerse to your friends and family.
This year, we are also very excited to be offering brand new AudioVerse water bottles and AudioVerse headphones alongside our new t-shirts that were first debuted at ASI. Suggested donations will be $5 for the water bottles, $10 for the t-shirts, and $25 for the headphones. We will be able to accept cash, check, or credit/debit cards onsite. What better way to support the mission of AudioVerse and to get some useful gifts at the same time?
For those of you who won’t be able to make it to GYC, remember that there’s still time to make your year-end contributions! If you note “Holiday Appeal” in the memo of your check or in the comments through PayPal, we will send you a copy of the book Hindsight: Seventh-day Adventist History in Essays and Extracts as a thank-you for your gift of $50 or more. Here are three ways you can give:
Thank you for your continued support throughout 2013. I’m excited to see what the Lord has in store for AudioVerse in 2014!
See you in Orlando,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. Drop by the AudioVerse booth at GYC to check out our brand new t-shirts, water bottles, and headphones! They will be available on a suggested donation basis. It will be a great way to help support the mission of AudioVerse.
P.P.S. In case you haven't heard, check out the new AudioVerse iOS and Android apps too!
PO Box 2288
Collegedale, TN 37315-2288