Aug 7-10 in Orlando, FL
1m read
The AudioVerse app is coming!
5m read
Little efforts can add up to huge results
2m read
Find out how to help AudioVerse finish its fundraising in under a month.
Come see them at our new YouTube Channel.
Did you know you can contribute to AudioVerse by shopping at Amazon? (Now for Canada and the UK too!)
You can now listen to Restoration 2013 occuring in Loma Linda University
Don't forget the hundreds of messages available from previous GYCs.
Catch the devotionals and plenary meetings right here on AudioVerse.
Missed a seminar at GYC? Catch them right here!
6m read
AudioVerse has exciting plans for the future, and you can be a part of them!
The new Australian chapter of the Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN) just occurred in Melbourne, Australia.